The Victims of Pointlessness...

This week was the year 13’s drama exam where each group had to devise a 30 minute play. They do have the option to be the set, costume or lighting designer but they all wanted to act and so that job fell to me. For Othello I had 3 months, for this I had 3 days!

The first group’s piece was called Victims. Set in a prison it tells each person’s story and how they got there. They came up with the idea of the set themselves, wanting something plain and simple, with matching prisoner uniforms.

  The second group’s piece was called The Pointlessness of Life. Set in the Church of St. Bendedicts it plays on the absurd and tells us what we do in life is pointless. For this play I was asked to create something crazy that would confuse the audience when they came in.

Both groups did really really well and, fingers crossed, should get the marks they deserve. 

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