Othello: Building the Set (Part 1)

This week I have started on the building of the Othello set. When designing the show I always had in the back of my mind that I would have to do the building and so I tried to keep the design simple settling on a series of flats with arches cut into them.

However what is easy to make out of card in 1:25 is not so easy when made out of wood and at full scale. The director was to help with building but unfortunately has an aversion to power tools, or any sort of tools, so it is all down to me.
Thankfully there were some pre-built flats that I could use and so I only have to make 7 flats (the ones with the arches).

It is nearly the end of the first week of building and I have all the arches cut out and 3 finished flats, only 4 more to go. Hopefully I will have them finished by next week to start painting.

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