Othello: Costume Rail

Before I had fully designed the costumes me and the director took a trip to the Lace Market Theatre costume hire as we had to return some costumes that had been used for a play over summer. Armed with measurements and some images we thought we may as well look and see if they have anything suitable for Othello.

3 hours later we had pretty much costumed the entire cast, and so a week later I was there to pick them up!

Although we don’t have all the costumes, having them so early on has meant they can be fitted and adjusted well in advance. However as I already had the majority of costumes, drawings seemed slightly redundant and so are being done in my spare time.
We decided to set the play in early Victorian, the ideas of oppression and rebellion but also it seems to make sense. It doesn’t feel like we are trying to fit an era and time around the play.

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